Jelly Gamat

Whay is Sea Cucumber (Jelly Gamat)

In Asia, Sea Cucumbers are called Trepang or Gamat and have been a staple in Japan, China and other parts of the East since ancient times. Now it is beginning to gain popularity in the West as a dietary supplement.

Sea Cucumbers are small marine animals related to Starfish and Sand Dollars. They consist of numerous members of the Phylum Echinodermata, Subphylum Echinozoa and members from the Holothuroidea class. It contains vitamins A, B, C and some minerals. Their greatest assets to man is as a source of Mucopolysaccharides and substances called GAGS (Glycosaminoglycans). One of these is Chondroitin Sulfate, which is a combination of Glucosamine Sulfate and sugar substances.

Presented in the form of oral and topical, it is regarded highly in the medical profession as a general health tonic, and is suitable for treating minor wounds, wounds that are slow to heal and skin ulcers. It speeds up the healing process and results in cosmetic improvements for scarring. When applied topically, it gives more benefit towards skin care, acting as night cream, sun protector, moisturizer for dry and cracking skin, and restores a pleasant, soft and supple feeling to the skin.

This modern and natural product is a combination of pharmaceutical innovations and modern medical research. You can discover the secret of ancient healing remedies and utilize fully the advantage of the healing powers of nature.

The formulation of legendary herbs and Gamat extract makes the product immeasurably more potent and effective for health and beauty, and will work even better for all your topical needs: faces, hands, feet, body, joints, muscles, scalp, hair, mouth, gum and sensitive areas. Although this product is not a kind of medicine or drug, it is a natural remedy that supports your body's innate ability to heal itself.


De Mujarab Jelly Gamat

Gamat Extract is being processed through the LMPS system. Scientifically formulated for oral consumption without any harmful chemicals. Gamat extract contains mucopolysaccharides, rich in protein and natural minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper, sodium, potassium (to name a few), which are beneficial in stimulating healthy cells and to balance organ functions for the maintenance of good health. It is suitable for all age groups.

Purified Gamat Extracts, Potassium Sorbate and Food Conditioner.

Nutrition and beneficial to Health

Sea cucumber has been known and used by the Malays in the Langkawi Island over 300 years ago. It was only at the end of the 1970s that the Malays in other states of Malaysia began to recognise the effectiveness of this substance, especially for the healing of injuries and wounds. "Air Gamat", a Malay term for the extract obtained from the sea cucumber has long been used as part of the traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments which include cuts, wounds, pain and other ailments of inflammatory origin such as joint inflammation and asthma.

Presently, sea cucumber is probably the most popular traditional remedy that is used by Malaysian women to treat injuries and wounds caused by episiotomy. The ointment derived from the lipid soluble part of this marine invertebrate is also used for the treatment of back and joint pain by communities in the Peninsular Malaysia.

Gamat is known by most Chinese as a culinary delicacy to be eaten with soup or eaten raw as an appetiser. It is also highly recommended by Chinese doctors for its medicinal properties as a general health tonic and more specifically for people with chronic joint pain as well as tendonitis, sprains, ligament stress and arthritis. The Chinese have long realised, since the ancient times, its ability to prevent diseases besides using it as a tonic to promote longevity. Traditional Chinese medicine commonly uses sea cucumber in treating weakness, impotence and debility among the elderly, constipation due to intestinal dryness, frequent urination and joint problems.

Researchers believe that sea cucumbers improve the balance of prostaglandins in the body cells which regulate the inflammatory process. They also contain substances known as mucopolysaccharides and chondroitins which are often found lacking in people with arthritis and connective tissue disorders. In addition, sea cucumber is an important source of vitamin A, Bl (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin) and C as well as minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc.

From the modern medical point of view, sea cucumber is a valuable source of several kinds of substances that can serve as natural health products, perhaps bedeveloped as drugs. Since sea cucumber is only consumed as food by a very small segment of the population outside East Asia, most people do not have access to its beneficial components. Thus, extracts of desired sea cucumber materials are put into easy-to-consume forms, such as capsules (hard and soft gelatin), tablets, liquid and jelly.

Many Ways to look At This Incredible Marin Creature

Lately, many scientists have regarded gamat as a nutrient cocktail. For sometime now, with many research findings on the health benefits of gamat, more consumers are beginning to take it as a food supplement / nutritional supplement. With a new focus on healthy eating, gamat can also be seen as a functional food.

No matter which way we look at it, gamat is important for the maintenance of good health. It is natural, coming from clean and unpolluted seabed rich in nutrients.

Supplementary food is essential to ensure that our intake of nutrients is adequate. Jelly Gamat can be considered a functional food due to a variety of nutrients and minerals it contained. Among the components of gamat:

• Sulphated mucopolysaccharides (mainly chondroitin sulphate). Chondroitin sulphate, which contains glucosaminoglycans (GAGs) has beneficial effects in the treatment of osteoarthritis, intestinal tract lining and is an important component of the basement membrane below the skin. Glucosamine sulphate is also good for wound healing.

• Chondroitin sulphate is a major constituent of cartilage, which provides structure, holds water and nutrients and allows other molecules to move through the cartilage - an important property, because there is no blood supplies to cartilage.

• A study in University of Queensland on sea cucumber showed that it functioned as an anti- inflammatory and helped rebuild arthritic joints. Another study by Dr. Mitchell Kurk, Medical Director of the Biomedical Revitalization Center of Lawrence, New York, showed a 70% improvement in symptoms of arthritic patients with the use of sea cucumber

• Protein, vitamins A & C, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium and carbohydrates.

• Saponins (trite pine glycosides), which is similar in structure to Ganoderma, ginseng and other famous tonic herbs. Saponins have anti-cancer properties.

• Contains fatty acids similar to fish oil that nourish the brain and heart, such as EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) unique to fish.

• Lectins, a form of sugar with anti-cancer activity from Holothuria spp. It also has herapeutic effects on HIV.

Researches on sea cucumber state that it contains cell growth factors that stimulate new cell regeneration and is efficient in treating wounds. It is also effective in treating internal bleeding such as gastric and peptic ulcer.

With a wealth of healthy ingredients found in gamat, no wonder it has been known by so many names. It is regarded to have a wealth of goodness since it has so many functions that provide consumers with good health. Gamat is becoming ever popular as more people worldwide began to realize the many benefits it offers, which is evidenced not only through testimonials by users but also from laboratory and health tests done by researchers.

ATM Jelly Gamat

Oral consumption. Can be taken with other nutritional supplements. Best taken 1 tablespoonful 2 - 3 times daily before meal

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